Residential Waste REmoval

Residential trash pickup and removal

If your trash removal company isn’t handling all your trash, give ExcessJunk a call. We provide full-service recurring and one-time trash pickup services for residential and commercial properties. Unlike local dump pickup services, we take everything – electronics, furniture, and organic waste. Plus, we handle all the loading, so you never have to lift a finger!

Types of trash we take

As long as there’s no hazardous items mixed in, we remove most trash items, icluding:

ExcessJunk LLC Residential Waste RemovalExcessJunk LLC Residential Waste Removal
ExcessJunk LLC Residential Waste RemovalExcessJunk LLC Residential Waste Removal
ExcessJunk LLC Residential Waste RemovalExcessJunk LLC Residential Waste Removal

Why should you hire a professional trash removal service?

“With all you have on your plate, let us handle the garbage, so you can check it off your to-do list! Unlike regular trash hauling companies, we take care of everything from start to finish. No worries about hurting your back or damaging your home – we’ll haul everything out to the truck without leaving a dent or speck of dirt behind. Call us today!

Areas We Service

How Our Service Works:

  1. Schedule your appointment online or by calling (470) 253-4199
  2. Our team will reach out 15-30 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time to let you know we’re on the way.
  3.  We’ll take a look at the items you want removed and provide you with an all-inclusive price.
  4. If the price is right we’ll remove the items, sweep the area, and take payment once we’re done.
Book Your No-Obligation, On-Site Estimate Now

Clear The Clutter

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How our pricing works

The final cost of removing your residential trash can vary depending on what we take, how much stuff needs to be removed, and how much space it takes up in our trucks. ExcessJunk is always happy to provide you with an on-site, no-obligation estimate! Don’t hesitate to contact us at (470) 253-4199 if you have any questions.

Check Availability

ExcessJunk is here for you with same-day and next-day residential trash removal services. Click below to schedule a Free Estimate and experience the ease of a clutter-free space!

Trash removal FAQs

Missed your garbage truck and can’t wait until the next collection day? Don’t stress! There are other trash pickup options in your area. You could take it to the local dump or recycling center yourself, but that involves sorting, loading, unloading, and taking time out of your day.

Save yourself the hassle and let ExcessJunk take care of it for you. We’re fully insured, handle all the heavy lifting, and recycle whenever possible. It’s a time-saving solution that puts your mind at ease.

Reducing waste in your home is simpler than you may think. Here are some steps to help you get started:

1. Recycle Responsibly:
Recycle paper, metal, and plastics whenever possible.

2. Switch to Reusable Bags:
Buy reusable bags and repurpose your plastic bags.

3. Opt for Homemade Meals:
Prepare fresh meals at home to minimize disposable food container usage.

4. Embrace Bulk Buying:
Buy in bulk and use reusable containers.

5. Start Composting:
Create a compost pile for organic waste.

6. Learn Repair Skills:
Learn how to patch and repair items instead of replacing them.

7. Ditch Disposable Plates:
Use reusable dishes instead of one-time-use disposable plates.

8. Get Creative with Upcycling:
Upcycle broken items into new creations.

9. Donate Before Disposing:
Always donate old items before tossing them in the trash.

These small changes can make a big difference in reducing household waste.

Reducing food waste at home requires discipline, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. Here’s a list of ways you can cut back on creating food waste at home:

1. Shop with a Plan:
Shop for food with a plan in mind.

2. Avoid Over-Portioning:
Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid over-portioning.

3. Embrace Leftovers:
When you have leftovers, eat them.

4. Master Food Storage:
Learn how to properly store your food for maximum shelf life.

5. Organize Your Kitchen:
Organize your pantry and fridge for efficiency.

6. Mindful Purchases:
Only buy food you believe you will eat.

7. Track Waste:
Keep track of what and how much you are throwing away.

8. Meal Prep:
Start meal prepping to minimize excess.

9. Shop on a Full Stomach:
Never shop hungry to avoid impulsive purchases.

10. Preserve Fresh Produce:
Freeze and preserve extra fruits and vegetables.

11. Choose Ripe Foods Wisely:
Buy fresh foods that will stay ripe until you plan to eat them.

These simple steps can significantly reduce food waste and contribute to a more sustainable kitchen.

Plastic contributes significantly to solid waste in landfills, taking centuries to break down and occupying valuable space. To help reduce plastic waste, consider the following:

1. Opt for Cardboard: Buy products in cardboard boxes instead of plastic bottles.
2. Embrace Bulk Purchases: Use bulk bins and reusable bags instead of one-time purchases.
3. Ditch Plastic Straws: Switch from plastic straws to paper or metal alternatives.
4. Avoid Chewing Gum: Gum often contains plastic or synthetic rubber.
5. Choose Reusables: Use reusable containers at home.
6. Bring Your Own Bag: Carry your take-out bag to avoid styrofoam containers.
7. Opt for Matches: Choose matches or a refillable lighter over disposable lighters.
8. Consider Cloth Diapers: If feasible, opt for cloth diapers over standard disposable ones.
9. Metal Over Plasticware: Use metal silverware instead of plastic at home.
10. Make Fresh Juices: Prepare fresh juices instead of buying them in plastic bottles.
11. DIY Cleaning Products: Create cleaning products at home with simple ingredients.
12. Switch Razor Blades: Choose a razor with replaceable blades over disposable ones.
13. Homemade Bread: Make your own bread instead of buying pre-packaged.
14. Deli-Meat Packaging: Buy deli meat and wrap it in paper.
15. Bar Soaps: Switch from plastic bottle soap containers to bar soaps.
16. Eco-Friendly Deodorants: Choose deodorants with sustainable packaging.
17. Candle Instead of Air Freshener: Use candles instead of plastic-bottled air fresheners.

These choices contribute to minimizing plastic waste and fostering a more sustainable lifestyle.