Electronic Waste Removal

Shockingly Easy Electronic Waste Disposal

Dealing with broken electronics is inevitable, but disposing of old technology, or ‘e-waste,’ is far from a simple task like throwing it in the garbage. At ExcessJunk, we recognize the complexities involved in managing e-waste. Common gadgets such as cell phones, CD players, televisions, and fax machines often harbor hazardous materials that can harm the environment if not disposed of properly. In situations where e-waste recycling isn’t readily available, ExcessJunk encourages responsible alternatives, emphasizing the importance of donating these items whenever possible. Choose us for a conscientious approach to electronic waste disposal, ensuring a cleaner and greener future for our planet.

Devices that we pickup and recycle

e-waste - beforee-waste - after

Electronics Removal And Recycling Services

At ExcessJunk, we bring our extensive expertise to e-waste recycling and pickup services. We’re here to effortlessly clear away those old electronic items – just point, and we’ll handle the rest!

Our friendly team of professionals is not only dedicated but also trained to ensure proper e-waste disposal. At ExcessJunk, we go beyond merely removing items; we prioritize environmentally conscious practices. Through recycling, refurbishing, and donations whenever possible, we strive to keep electronic waste out of landfills.

For seamless e-waste pickup, give us a call at ExcessJunk, and we’ll take care of everything for you. Your role? Simply point, and let us handle the responsible disposal of your electronic items with care and efficiency.

Areas We Service

Clear The Clutter

Other Services We Offer

How Our Service Works:

  1. Schedule your appointment online or by calling (470) 253-4199
  2. Our team will reach out 15-30 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time to let you know we’re on the way.
  3.  We’ll take a look at the items you want removed and provide you with an all-inclusive price.
  4. If the price is right we’ll remove the items, sweep the area, and take payment once we’re done.
Book Your No-Obligation, On-Site Estimate Now

How our pricing works

The final cost of removing your Electronics Waste can vary depending on what we take, how much stuff needs to be removed, and how much space it takes up in our trucks. ExcessJunk is always happy to provide you with an on-site, no-obligation estimate! Don’t hesitate to contact us at (470) 253-4199 if you have any questions.

Check Availability

ExcessJunk is here for you with same-day and next-day electronic waste removal services. Click below to schedule a Free Estimate and experience the ease of a clutter-free space!

Electronics and E-Waste FAQs

E-waste, short for electronic waste, refers to discarded electronic devices and equipment that have reached the end of their useful life or are no longer wanted. This category encompasses a broad range of items, including old computers, smartphones, televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, and other electronic appliances. E-waste can contain hazardous materials such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and various other substances that can be harmful to human health and the environment if not disposed of properly. Effective management of e-waste involves recycling, refurbishing, or safely disposing of these electronic items to prevent environmental contamination and promote sustainable practices.

Disposing of old cell phones, computers, and televisions responsibly depends on their condition. Here are some eco-friendly ways to handle electronic disposal:

1. Locate an Electronics Recycling Facility:
Find an electronics recycling facility in your town that accepts and responsibly processes electronic waste.

2. Donate Working Electronics:
Consider donating functional electronics to local charities or nonprofits to extend their lifespan.

3. Donate or Sell for Parts:
For non-working items, explore options to donate or sell them for parts to minimize waste.

4. Check Local Retailers for Trade-In Services:
Some retailers offer trade-in services or buy used electronics, providing an alternative to disposal.

5. Explore E-Waste Recycling at Local Retailers:
Check with local retailers to see if they offer e-waste recycling programs.

6. Sell Electronics Online:
Sell your old electronics through online platforms to give them a new home and purpose.

7. Attend E-Waste Recycling Events:
Participate in hard-to-recycle or e-waste recycling events in your community.

8. Check Trash Collection Service Policies:
Verify if your local trash collection service accepts electronics, although this should be a last resort.

Remember, electronic devices should only be sent to a landfill as a last resort, as this contributes to environmental harm. Opting for responsible disposal methods helps minimize the impact of electronic waste on the environment.

When e-waste isn’t recycled, it finds its way to landfills where it becomes exposed to the elements. Over time, these electronics, containing toxic materials like lead, mercury, zinc, flame retardants, and chromium, can release harmful toxins into the air and soil. This poses a threat to the atmosphere and contaminates groundwater supplies.

Properly disposing of electronic waste is crucial to preventing these substances from infiltrating the soil, causing harm to plants and animals, and potentially contaminating our food and water supply.

With ExcessJunk, using our services for electronic waste disposal means you can set aside worries about where to take your electronics. We collaborate with local charities and recycling facilities to ensure that all components are handled and disposed of properly. Trust ExcessJunk to be your responsible partner in preventing the environmental impact of improperly managed e-waste.

Before e-waste undergoes recycling, a crucial inspection process takes place to assess whether the device can be refurbished or donated. Once deemed ready for recycling, the device is disassembled, and its materials are methodically organized into distinct categories. This segregation helps determine which components can be reused and which require further processing.

The meticulous identification of reusable or convertible parts is vital due to the presence of toxic metals and chemicals in many electronics. Disposing of these hazardous elements requires careful handling. As the electronic device is dismantled, toxic components are appropriately disposed of, while reusable elements find new purposes in other applications. This meticulous recycling process ensures that the environmental impact of electronic waste is minimized, contributing to a sustainable and responsible approach to e-waste management.