Cobb County
Junk Removal

Expert Junk Removal in Cobb County

ExcessJunk is pleased to extend its exceptional junk removal services to the diverse and thriving community of Cobb County, Georgia. Our proficient team specializes in a wide range of removal projects, from residential cleanouts to commercial property management, catering to the specific needs of Cobb County residents. Committed to environmentally conscious practices, ExcessJunk prioritizes responsible disposal methods, aligning with the county’s commitment to sustainability and green initiatives.

Tailored to the unique requirements of Cobb County, our services encompass the removal of household items, construction debris, and more, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience for residents. Cobb County’s dynamic mix of urban and suburban elements finds a fitting complement in ExcessJunk’s dedication to delivering top-notch and reliable junk removal services.

We recognize the importance of maintaining Cobb County’s high quality of life, with its excellent schools, vibrant communities, and accessible amenities. As a trusted partner, ExcessJunk stands ready to help residents reclaim valuable space efficiently while contributing to the preservation of Cobb County’s distinctive character. Contact us at 470-253-4199 or via email at to schedule your junk removal service, and let ExcessJunk be your reliable ally in keeping Cobb County clutter-free and flourishing.

Clear The Clutter

Our Quality Services

What we take

What we don't take

How Our Service Works:

  1. Schedule your appointment online or by calling (470) 253-4199
  2. Our team will reach out 15-30 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time to let you know we’re on the way.
  3.  We’ll take a look at the items you want removed and provide you with an all-inclusive price.
  4. If the price is right we’ll remove the items, sweep the area, and take payment once we’re done.
Book Your No-Obligation, On-Site Estimate Now

How our pricing works

The final cost of removing your junk can vary depending on what we take, how much stuff needs to be removed, and how much space it takes up in our trucks. ExcessJunk is always happy to provide you with an on-site, no-obligation estimate! Don’t hesitate to contact us at (470) 253-4199 if you have any questions.

Check Availability

ExcessJunk is here for you with same-day and next-day junk removal services. Click below to schedule a Free Estimate and experience the ease of a clutter-free space!