Piano Removal

Piano Removal Services

Bidding farewell to an old piano can be a challenging task, especially considering their weight and the limitations on disposal. When you’re ready to part ways with your ivory keys, look no further than ExcessJunk. Attempting to handle it on your own may be difficult, but our friendly neighborhood junk removal experts at ExcessJunk are here to make the process stress-free.

Our dedicated crew is prepared to take on the heavy lifting and ensure your old piano is disposed of responsibly. However, please note that piano acceptance may vary by location, so give us a call to discuss the best way we can assist you in parting with your musical companion.

Pianos that we remove

At ExcessJunk, we understand the intricacies of piano disposal, and due to the complexity involved, there are certain types of pianos that may pose unique challenges for removal. Our dedicated and uniformed truck teams are always ready to assess your piano onsite and provide insights into your disposal options. While some pianos may present specific challenges, we typically handle a wide range, ensuring a seamless removal experience for you. Trust ExcessJunk to navigate the complexities and find the best solution for bidding farewell to your piano. Pianos that we can typically take include:

Areas We Service

How Our Service Works:

  1. Schedule your appointment online or by calling (470) 253-4199
  2. Our team will reach out 15-30 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time to let you know we’re on the way.
  3.  We’ll take a look at the items you want removed and provide you with an all-inclusive price.
  4. If the price is right we’ll remove the items, sweep the area, and take payment once we’re done.
Book Your No-Obligation, On-Site Estimate Now

Clear The Clutter

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How our pricing works

The final cost of removing your junk can vary depending on what we take, how much stuff needs to be removed, and how much space it takes up in our trucks. ExcessJunk is always happy to provide you with an on-site, no-obligation estimate! Don’t hesitate to contact us at (470) 253-4199 if you have any questions.

Check Availability

ExcessJunk is here for you with same-day and next-day piano removal services. Click below to schedule a Free Estimate and experience the ease of a clutter-free space!